Watering It must be your priority if you want to grow healthy and strong roses: better less often and deeper than a little bit every day. Always check the soil around your plant, or in the pot, and make sure it never dries out. Here are Brian's tips to water your roses correctly.
Fertilizing. “If you can, choose an organic-based fertiliser – explains Brian – with high NPK and trace elements”. NPK is for Nitrogen (for general health and leaf growth), Phosphorus (that stimulates root growth) and Potassium (for flowering and disease control); these three important elements can be given to your roses twice a year, in spring and summer.
“Every couple of weeks, use also liquid fish and kelp as a foliage spray; it’s very beneficial for maintaining your plant vigorous and healthy – says Brian – Adding composted bird and animal manure is also good for the roses; just make sure it’s very well composted and dry otherwise it could damage your plants".
3) Mulching. “Mulch retains moisture around the plant and reduces watering, puts some organic material back in the ground and it’s the perfect environment for earthworms – explains Brian in this video - It’s perfect to improve growth and reduce fungal problems”. Best kinds of mulch are lucerne or legume straw (like peas’ beans), or any other kind of hay. When you apply mulch, remember to leave a bit of space around the base of the plant.
4) Deadheading. Clean your plant and cut your dead flowers regularly, in order to have new beautiful blooms in the following 6-8 weeks. Learn how to do it in this short tutorial video. |